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Clare's latest single based on addiction - 'Feeding the Beast'

'FEEDING THE BEAST' releasing on September 4th, is a song based on addiction. September is addiction month and Clare has decided to release this acoustic number that she wrote many years ago (and has updated and co-wrote with the amazing Joel Jorgensen) as a bonus track to show her own personal experience in dealing with addiction, aka THE BEAST!

Many people experience both mental illness and addiction. The mental illness may be present before the addiction. Or the addiction may trigger or make a mental disorder worse.

Clare herself has dealt with addictions throughout her life (some good, some not so good) and wants to show people that the struggle is in fact real and the road to recovery IS possible, once the person comes to terms with their own beast and recognizing that they have a problem. Everybody can heal if they truly want to and step one is admittance and I want to get rid of the stigma that surrounds any addiction or mental health problems in this world.

You can pre-save now via the following link and use the same link to purchase, download and stream on/or after release day

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